
Inventories and Web Map Service (WMS)

RockDB (Núñez et al. 2022) is a database of rockfall inventories, carried out since 2014 during the RockRisk (BIA2013-42582-P) and Rockmodels (BIA2016-75668-P, AEI / FEDER, EU) research projects. Both projects incorporate fragmentation data as a particularity and have as their main objective to provide more precise tools to predict and prevent fragmentary rockfalls.

These events have been collected in a spatial database, using PostGIS and following the INSPIRE directive for natural hazards. Additional information available about fragmentation, produced in each of them, has been added.

A Web Map Service (WMS) has been developed that allows the information to be consulted at different scales. You can check directly through the web viewer accessible at this link

The information in this database is being used to calibrate the RockGIS free software (Matas et al. 2017; 2020) of rockfall trajectories simulation that incorporates a fragmentation model (Ruiz-Carulla and Corominas, 2019).



The invetoried rockfalls since 2014 are shown in the next tabs: