

During Rockrisk and RockModels projects several tools have been created for modeling fragmentation in rockfalls and their interaction with exposed structures. In this section we present some of these tools and examples of the obtained results:


 RockGIS is a program of three-dimensional simulation of rockslides in a GIS environment. This program includes a Rockfall Fractal Fragmentation Model (RFFM), a module that allows fragmentation consider this phenomenon in simulations to improve hazard analysis required for risk quantification by rockslides.




Rockfall Fractal Fragmentation Model (RFFM) has been implemented in Excel in order to calibrate the model parameters and observe their behavior.



 RockDamage is an Excel tool that calculates the fragility curves of a masonry wall that is impacted by rock blocks. The fragility curves express the probability of exceeding a given level of damage for a building (e.g. slight, moderate and high, depending on its extent on the wall surface), for increasing magnitude/intensities of an external action.